Thursday, March 22, 2007

Networking and Friends

I just read an article about how to network and the jist of it seemed to be that if you want to be good at networking, be a good friend. Do things like care about people, help others, listen to what they have to say, find out their interests. It was enlightening and makes me want to do something for all of my friends and colleagues.

By the way, the best time to practice this is when you don't need anything. People can see through you when you are being nice just so you can get something from it. Also, don't pick your friends based on what you think they might do for you in the future. Everyone has their own network of people they know that they could get you in touch with as well as provide valuable lessons and insights. It is even best to not have all the same kind of friends, for instance only ones in your profession. It is good to get other views. Broaden your horizons and mind.

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